Things To Know About Hypertension

Things To Know About Hypertension

Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, is a very common condition that, when left unchecked, can lead to more severe issues like heart disease, heart failure, or stroke. Hypertension doesn’t usually come with symptoms, and it can be easy to let it go unchecked. Dr. Aamir Javaid at Institute for Advanced Cardiovascular Care in Kissimmee, Poinciana, and Davenport, FL, can explain what hypertension is and how it should be treated and checked.

Things to Know About Hypertension

Hypertension doesn’t usually come with symptoms and can easily go unnoticed or unchecked. Hypertension needs to be managed with medications from your cardiologist in Kissimmee and Poinciana, FL. Without medication, hypertension will be uncontrollable and can reach life-threatening levels.

Usually, when symptoms start to appear, hypertension has reached dangerous levels and can lead to stroke, kidney failure, or heart disease. Symptoms that may appear can include:

  • Headaches
  • Confusion
  • Exhaustion
  • Pounding in the head and chest
  • Chest pain

It’s important to see your doctor for regular checkups and check your blood pressure on a normal basis. When you’re keeping your blood pressure in check, you’ll be able to start managing it before it becomes a severe problem.

You may need to make lifestyle changes, such as changing your diet to cut out saturated fat and excess sodium and making sure that you’re exercising on a regular basis. This can help you keep your blood pressure at normal levels and lower your risk of further problems. It's also important that you limit alcohol use, maintain a healthy weight, and try to limit your stress levels.

Contact Your Cardiologist Today!

Don’t let hypertension go unchecked and unmanaged! Contact Dr. Aamir Javaid at Institute for Advanced Cardiovascular Care in Kissimmee, Poinciana, and Davenport, FL, to learn how to manage your hypertension and live a better quality of life. Call for more information today at (407) 572-8900.